Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Great Cape Escape

Ah, it was a gorgeous weekend in New England! The rain held off, the sun said hello from time to time & the temperature was encouraging all the buds to bloom. I got to work with the always fabulous Michelle. (Michelle LIndsay Photography) The couple, Michelle & Brendan were a true delight to work with as well! I got to borrow a fish eye lens (thank you Caroline!) and I went a little bit crazy with it. It's definitely my new favorite toy. Here are a few of my favorite pics from the day.

Yep, that's fish eye

Michelle found this book quite randomly nearby... How perfect!

The best man had the room in stitches! Funniest toast I've heard in quite a long time.

Dear Fish eye lens, I love you. Sincerely, Jovee


  1. Thanks Jovee- you guys did an awesome job!!! We love the pictures!
    Michelle & Brendan
