Sunday, April 26, 2009

Run wicked fast!

For those of you who do not know, I recently moved to Florida from Boston. I have many weddings already schedule in the Boston area for 2009, one of which was April 18th. I soon realized this was the same weekend of The Boston Marathon! I was really pumped because a couple friends of mine were actually running in the marathon and I was so happy I'd get to seem them run! (hats off to all you runners, I sure couldn't do it!)  I've been to the marathon the last several years, but always out in Welleseley by the halfway point. This year we were right by the Citco sign, 1 mile from the finish. The energy was like nothing else!! Runners went nuts when they saw that sign that read "1 mile." I can't even imagine the relief! There were so many great things to photograph that day! I was a kid in a candy store. Enjoy!

There's my friend Alecia, looking like a Nike ad.... 25 miles down, 1 to go!

This was Kate's 1st marathon! Way to go Kate!

This guy was running with a chip on his shoulder. ha ha, oh marathon puns.

As if running a marathon wasn't hardcore enough...

She really is making it look easy.

I had no idea so many people ran the marathon in costumes! But these next 2 guys take the cake hands down!


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